Refunds of Contribution
Any member who separates from government of Guam service shall have the option of leaving his or her contributions in the Fund.
Any member who has completed five (5) years or more and separates from government of Guam service shall have the option of leaving his or her contributions in the Retirement Fund and receiving a service retirement annuity upon attainment of the age of sixty (60) years without choice of any of the optional survivors' benefits.
Any member who separates from government of Guam before completing at least twenty-five (25) years of total service, the member shall be entitled to a refund of his or her contributions, including regular interest, but no interest shall be paid in any case in which the total service is less than one (1) year.
The member may apply for a refund of his/her contributions on the appropriate form at the Retirement Fund Office, and a three (3) month processing period from the date of application may be imposed on all refunding members.